How to play
Viking Chess

Played on a 12x7 board with both armies starting at the bottom of the board.

Viking Chess is played on a 12 x 7 board with both white and black set up with their home rank on the 1st Rank.

Starting Position

White and Black set up adjacent to each other.
Board is interactive - make a move

Moves of the Pieces

Pawns advance in the same direction, towards the 7th Rank. Pawns cannot advance 2 squares on their opening move.

Pawn Promotion

Both Black and White Pawns promote on the 7th Rank.


There is no Castling when playing Viking Chess.

En Passant

There is no En Passant when playing Viking Chess.Check and Checkmate rules remain the same as Standard ChessStalemate conditions remain the same as Standard ChessDraw conditions remain the same as Standard ChessWinning conditions remain the same as Standard Chess
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