How to play

A shuffled back rank to counter strong opening knowledge. Aka Fischer Random Chess.


Chess 960 derives its name from the 960 possible unqiue starting positions. The the home ranks are randomized, within some limitations, which makes it distinct from standard shuffle chess.

Invented by world chess champion Bobby Fischer in effort to improve the game by breaking the dependency of experienced playerProfiles on opening theory.

In his own words - Bobby Fischer announces Fischer Random / Chess960

Starting Position

Pawns are placed normal, but the home rank is set up in 1 of 960 possible variations within the following rules.

  • The King must start between the Rooks
  • Bishops must remain on opposite color squares, as with classic Chess.
  • White and black home ranks pieces are set up identically, including the King and Queen facing each other on the same file.

    One of 960 legal Chess 960 / Fischer Random Chess starting positions
    Board is interactive - make a move
    The moves of the pieces remains the same as Standard ChessPawn promotion rules remains the same as Standard ChessThe randomised home rank necessitates change in the standard castling rules. All remain the same as Standard Chess

    Rather than moving two squares along the home rank, the King must move to either side of the Rook regardless of how many squares are vacant between them.

    When the King and Rook are adjacent to each other the King must be placed onto the Rook to initiate the castling.

    In this instance, the King must be placed on the same square (C8) for A Side castling, or on to the Rook for H Side castling.
    Board is interactive - make a move
    Castling towards the A file will result in a the pieces swappnig position into the regular castling squares.
    Board is interactive - make a move

    Unlike Standard Chess, it is possible to Castle on the very move in this variant!

    En passant rules remains the same as Standard ChessCheck and Checkmate rules remain the same as Standard ChessStalemate conditions remain the same as Standard ChessDraw conditions remain the same as Standard ChessWinning conditions remain the same as Standard Chess

    Also Known As

    Fischer Random ChessChess 9LX
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